Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Françoise Baude, Fabrice Huet, Laurent Pellegrino, Bastien Sauvan, Iyad Alshabani, Maeva Antoine, Amjad Alshabani, Justine Rochas, Michel Jackson de Souza.

EventCloud (http://eventcloud.inria.fr ) is an open source middleware that aims to act as a distributed datastore for data fulfiling the W3C RDF specification (www.w3.org/RDF/ ). It allows storing and retrieving quadruples (RDF triples with context) through SPARQL but also managing events represented as quadruples. The EventCloud architecture is based on a structured P2P overlay network targetting high-performance elastic data processing. Consequently it aims to be deployed on infrastructures like grids, clouds, i.e. whose nodes acquisition and relinquishment can be dynamic and subject to a pay-per-use mode. Each node participating in the overlay networks constituting EventCloud instances is responsible for managing the storage of subsets of the events, and helps in matching potential looked up events and disseminating them in a collaborative manner. As such, each node is also potentially an event broker responsible for managing subscriptions and routing notifications.

The EventCloud middleware has been developed using the GCM/ProActive library embedding the most recent advances from the Multi-active Object model (see Section  6.1.1 ) and its implementation. Interactions from end user applications with an EventCloud instance can happen directly using Java APIs along the GCM/ProActive model, or they can be achieved through GCM interfaces exposed following the Web Services Notification specification. Web Services Notification (WSN) is a set of specifications from the OASIS consortium (www.oasis-open.org ) that standardises the way Web Services interact using "Notifications" or "Events". They form the foundation for Event Driven Architectures built using Web Services.

The EventCloud middleware is currently used as a component within the platforms developed within ANR SocEDA (Section  8.1.1 ) and FP7 PLAY (Section ) projects. A significant effort has also started to apply it in application domains from the BigData area, as in Intelligent Transportation Systems  8.2.2 .